The Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (IJPTE) is committed to bridging the gap between academic research and industry practices in the fields of Production and Thermal Engineering in a way that is easy to understand. The Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (IJPTE) aims to feature top-tier, peer-reviewed articles that provide practically relevant insights for managers overseeing projects, programs, and portfolios. It means that the research’s theoretical and managerial implications are paramount. The Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (IJPTE) actively seeks outstanding contributions bridging theory and practice, emphasizing rigour and relevance.


The Indian Journal of Production and Thermal Engineering (IJPTE) covers a wide range of topics related to Production and Thermal Engineering, including but not limited to:

  • Thermodynamics
  • Gas Turbines
  • Petrochemical
  • Solar Systems
  • Combustion Systems
  • Nano-Fluids
  • Heat Exchanger
  • Heat Transfer
  • Transition to Turbulence
  • Satellite Meteorology
  • Production Planning and Control
  • Workforce Skills
  • Casting Trend
  • Machining Technology
  • Tool and Precision
  • Manufacturing
  • Genetic Algorithm
  • Metrology and Inspection
  • Automation and Rapid Manufacturing
  • Productivity Enhancement
  • Maintenance Engineering
  • Tribology
  • SMEs
  • Reliability and Quality Engineering